During the job interview, the employer generally proposes a "gross" salary. This amount includes the employee's social security contributions, which are deducted from the "net" salary received by the employee.
You can use our simulator to convert the gross salary into net salary: simply enter the advertised salary in the gross salary box. The simulation can be refined by answering different questions (fixed-term contract, executive status, overtime, part-time work, meal vouchers, etc.).
In addition, since 2019,income tax is deducted at source. To do this, the Directorate General of Public Finance (DGFiP) sends the employer the tax rate calculated from the employee's tax return. If this rate is unknown, for example during a first year of activity, the employer uses the neutral rate .
If you are looking to hire, you can calculate the total cost of your employee's remuneration, as well as the corresponding employer and employee contributions. This allows you to define the level of remuneration by knowing the overall cost to your company.
In addition to the salary, our simulator takes into account the calculation of benefits in kind (telephone, company car, etc.), as well as the mandatory health insurance.
There are deferred hiring aids that are not all taken into account by our simulator. You can find them on the official portal.
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